Your home with the future in mind. New foundations for the Hamburg housing cooperative.
Altonaer Spar- und Bauverein - altoba in short - is one of the oldest housing cooperatives in Hamburg and can look back on a proud and successful history with its almost 18,000 members and around 7,000 flats. Like all building cooperatives, altoba is facing the major challenge of digitalisation and the increasingly climate-neutral modernisation of its existing housing stock. In order to be able to communicate the future challenges consistently and innovatively and to present itself as a strong and attractive brand in the Hamburg housing market, all design elements, with the exception of the logo, were put to the test and were allowed to be revised after final evaluation.
In several workshops, in which stakeholders from different areas of the company took part, we jointly developed important insights, uncovered weaknesses and potential, developed new brand values and a new purpose that focuses on the future. A future that builds on the history of Altonaer Spar- und Bauverein. In the process of developing the new brand identity, the typical Altona red clinker brick sone was the inspiration for the dynamic brick-inspired grid, which can be flexibly adapted to any format and medium. A modern font mix, approachable illustrations, UI elements and a warm, authentic visual language form the building block that enables altoba to face the challenges of the future in an experienced and collaborative way.
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Inspired by the iconic and historic brick buildings of Altona: the visible red brick grid is the basis for altoba's flexible and dynamic design system.
Modern and approachable, helpful and pioneering - altoba's new text tonality reflects its friendly and supportive character.
The flexible design grid also influences the digital touchpoints. During the UX phase, we focussed heavily on usability so that almost all tenants' and applicants' questions could be answered in advance.

“The collaboration with BR*Studio is a neighbourly one in the truest sense of the phrase and always focused on a common goal: making altoba ready for the future in terms of its public image, without losing sight of tradition.”
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