Jürgen Alker

The Best Networked Consultant: the step into the future.


Jürgen Alker is a serial founder and one of the oldest friends of Bräutigam & Rotermund. We helped him to position himself as a People Brand and to filter out and define his Purpose as a Consultant and Professional Speaker with a focus on NFT (Non-Fungible Token).


The brand design is a nod to his previous stints in the lifestyle and fashion business, as well as his time as founder of Swipe Studio, a pioneer in app development. Visually, the bold design concept relies on pure and bold use of typography, color, and hand-drawn graphics to create different mediums and tonalities. In this way, it bridges the gap between analog craft and its digital mindset.


I always enjoy working with the team at BR*Studio. They intuitively understand how I want my brand to feel and transform that into a distinctive corporate identity.

Jürgen Alker NFT & Web3 Consultant & Speaker

From a creative idea to an identity that shapes an entire brand. Learn about how we collaborate.